immovable property artinya
- Immovable property such as land and houses;
Harta tak alih seperti tanah dan rumah; - The terms real estate and real property are used primarily in common law, while civil law jurisdictions refer instead to immovable property.
Istilah lahan yasan dan real property utamanya digunakan dalam common law, sedangkan yurisdiksi hukum sipil menunjuk ke hak milik tak bergerak. - Their immovable property was confiscated, but they were allowed to take their personal property with them and also to recover the loans they had made.
Properti tak tergoyahkan mereka disita, namun mereka diizinkan untuk membawa Properti pribadi mereka dan juga mengembalikan pinjaman yang telah mereka ambil. - - Leasing contracts for movable and immovable properties, which have been concluded before the effective date of the provisional 32 of Decision 8, are exempt from the provision of the provisional article.
- Leasing kontrak untuk properti bergerak dan tidak bergerak, yang telah disimpulkan sebelum tanggal efektif 32 sementara dari Keputusan 8, dibebaskan dari ketentuan artikel sementara.